Cleaning of PCB’S and PCA’S
In general, the manufacturing processes used on electronic assemblies are a series of chemical processes. Each step in the operation has the potential for leaving harmful materials on the PCA that can compromise assembly reliability. Cleaning is often needed to remove such harmful residues and improve reliability. Cleaning is also used to remove residues as an aid to inspection.
Customer contracts often require the assembly to be cleaned and tested for cleanliness!
Most assembly processes can be divided into two general categories: those that incorporate a cleaning process and those that do not. Both assembly categories are capable of producing high reliability hardware. The post-soldering cleanliness designator allows a customer or manufacturer to specify the process to be used on their hardware.
The cleanliness of parts is necessary both before and after soldering. Poor cleanliness is a common cause of solderability problems. Effective cleaning after soldering may be necessary to promote good adhesion of conformal coating, prevent leakage paths, and avoid corrosion.
If the assembly has to be cleaned, the user has to clean the assembly (the cleaning solution chosen should remove the harmful flux residues), while leaving the other materials and components alone. The cleaning media should be capable of removing any electrically conductive residues (ionic residues) and non-conductive (non-ionic or organic) residues.
On site training
If you are looking at training several people and a way to reduce the time out of the office, travel and addition expense of sending people to a class, then On-Site Training may be for you.
ETECH Training offers all training course either at our Training Centers or On-Site at your facility. Please Contact our Business Support Team for details on student quantity and material discounts.
What you’ll learn
- Reason for cleaning
- Pro’s & Con’s
- How clean is “Clean”?
- No-Clean vs. Clean
- Do we need to clean No-clean flux?
- Types of contamination
- Difficulties
- Cost
Standard duration of the training is 1 day
Validity of the Certificate
The certification term for all ETECH Training programs are 2 years. This is also according to ISO 9001:2015 paragraph 7.2.
The certification term begins on the date a candidate successfully completes all the program’s minimum certification requirements.
Certifications only reflect the expiration month and year. Certifications expire the last day of the expiration month, regardless of the day of the month the certification was granted.
Certification Renewal Period
All certification renewals may only occur within six calendar months prior to the expiration of an existing certification. When a Certificant renews their certification within 6 months of the certification expiration date, the renewed certification will be valid for an additional 2 years from the expiration date of their currently held certification.
If you would like to recertify there are two routes available for you:
- Recertification course
- Challenge Test (Exam only)